Scottish English v English

The following is an example of the English used in parts of Scotland, taken from the Scottish Parliament website.

Many people talk about the English language used in the UK as being British English. However, there are many variations of English in the countries that use the English language, even in the countries that make up the UK, let alone the American, Australian, Indian versions etc.

The following is an example of the English used in parts of Scotland, taken from the Scottish Parliament website.

Walcome tae the Scots Pairlament wab pages
We wad like tae mak shair that as mony fowk as possible can get tae speir aboot the Scots Pairlament.

Speirin at the Scots Pairlament
Ye can write til a Memmer o the Scots Pairlament (MSP) in ony leid. Gin ye hae a question anent the Scots Pairlament or the MSPs, ye can speir at the Public Information Service in ony leid bi post or e-mail

A translation of the above looks easy at first:

Welcome to the Scottish Parliament web pages
We would like to make sure that as many people as possible can get to speak about the Scottish Parliament.

But now I am not sure, those last 5 words just do not seem right.

Speirin at the Scots Pairlament could be Speaking to the Scottish Parliament.

Then the second paragraph starts with:

You can write to a Member of the Scots Parliament (MSP) in any …

But then I begin to feel lost.

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