Romeo and Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio

Romeo & Juliet Blue Ray and DVD Combo PackI can never remember this actors name, and a few moments ago I had to ask someone to rent the DVD today, and said “Romeo and Juliet with what’sis name Capuchino in it“. It worked, she knew who I meant 🙂

This made me also check the price, which was (in Australia, in August 2011):

The original version was released on 26th December 1996 in Australia.

Baz Luhrmann’s dazzling and unconventional adaptation of William Shakespeare’s classic love story is spellbinding.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes portray Romeo and Juliet, the youthful star-crossed lovers of the past. But the setting has been moved from its Elizabethan origins to the futuristic urban backdrop of Verona Beach, with guns instead of swords… I am curious about this myself now.

The reason for needing this DVD is that it is year 10 school required viewing at the local school.

    USA:  UK: 

and some earlier versions:

1968 1978

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