Removal Of Soviet Army Monument In Bulgaria.

Soviet Army Monument to be removed in Bulgaria.

The Soviet Army Monument was erected in Sofia in 1954 to honour the Soviet Red Army, and to remember the 10th anniversary of the Soviet declaration of war against Bulgaria and of the subsequent coup d’etat that overthrew the Kingdom of Bulgaria in September 1944.

Bulgaria’s Socialist Party (formerly the Bulgarian Communist Party)
opposed the proposal. In the 2023 election they received 8.98% of the vote, and held 25 of the 240 seats. This was down from 95.6% in 1946, two years after the Russian invasion.

Bulgaria ceased to be a socialist state in 1989, forty-five years after the Soviet invasion of Bulgaria.

It has been decided that the monument will be moved to the Museum of Socialist Art in Sofia.

Sofia’s city council first voted in 1993 to have the statue removed. This was 2 years after the Soviet Union was dissolved.

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