Population of the Philippines

According to Philippine census records, the population of the Philippines has increased from 5.5 million in 1877, up to 92.3 million just 133 years later, in 2010.

  • 1877 :   5,567,685
  • 1887 :   5,984,727 = 0.72% average annual increase
  • 1903 :   7,635,426 = 2.87%
  • 1918 : 10,314,310 = 2.03%
  • 1939 : 16,000,303 = 2.11%
  • 1948 : 19,234,182 = 2.07%
  • 1960 : 27,087,685 = 2.89%
  • 1970 : 36,684,486 = 3.08%
  • 1975 : 42,070,660 = 2.78%
  • 1980 : 48,098,460 = 2.71%
  • 1990 : 60,703,206 = 2.35%
  • 1995 : 68,616,536 = 2.32%
  • 2000 : 76,504,077 = 2.36%
  • 2007:  88,574,614 = 2.04%
  • 2010:  92,337,852 = 1.014% (why the sudden drop?)

Population changes from the LATEST official Census reports are:

  • 1990 60,703,810
  • 2000 76,506,928 an average annual increase of 2.34% between 1990 and 2000
  • 2010 92,337,852 an average annual increase of 1.90% between 2000 and 2010



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