Pancake Mix – Crepes

Pancake Mix – for the British style of pancakes..

Ingredients for Pancake Mix (Crepes)

110g sifted plain flour
2 eggs
pinch of salt
200 ml milk
75ml water
50g butter

Mix the Pancake Ingredients:

Add the milk and water together

Using a sieve, sift the flour and salt into a mixing bowl.
Mix the eggs into the middle of the flour, and whisk all the flour into the egg.

While whisking, slowly add the milk and water, keep whisking until smooth.

Melt 2 tablespoons of the butter, and pour into the mix, and whisk again until fully mixed.

Cook the Pancakes:

Get a 7 inch (18cm) frying pan nice and hot, and rub the pan base with the butter held in paper.

Pour 2 tablespoons of the pancake batter mix into the hot pan and tip the pan around so that the batter covers the entire base of the pan.

The bottom of the pancake should be cooked in about 30-40 seconds, and you then need to turn the pancake. Either toss it in the air and catch it in the pan again, the other way up, or use a spatula to turn it.
Another 5 or 10 seconds and it should be ready.

Slide the pancake off the pan onto a plate.

Eat with sugar and lemon juice, or orange juice. Or a maple syrup type sauce.

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