Outlook Express for Bigpond Emails

Set up Outlook Express to receive Bigpond Emails

Open Outlook Express.

Select > Tools > Accounts

Select > Add > Mail

> Display Name box: Type the name that you wish to appear on your emails.

> next

> Email address box: Type in your BigPond email address (username@bigpond.com or username@bigpond.net.au)

> next

> Email Server Names: choose POP3 from the pull-down menu. (This is normally the default option anyway)

> Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP, HTTP) server: Type in:  mail.bigpond.com
> Outgoing mail (SMTP) server: Type in   mail.bigpond.com.

> Next

> Account Name box: Type in your BigPond email address
> Password Box: Type in your BigPond password (your password is case sensitive)

Do NOT tick the “Log on using Secure Password Authentication” option.

> Next

> Finish

Sometimes the name in the list of email addresses does not appear correctly. In this case select the name that does show, and then select:

> Properties

> Mail Account: Retype the name that you wish to appear on your emails.
Then click OK, then Close

If you wish to leave your old emails, on the bigpond server, go into PROPERTIES again and select the ADVANCED tab.
At the bottom of that section, place a tick in the box against the “Leave a copy of messages on server

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