2013 Median Wage in United States..
According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for 2013
There were 132,588,810 wage earners in 2013.
The 2013 Median Wage was estimated to be $46,440 (Assume Full Time only)
Source: www.bls.gov (Annual wages have been calculated by multiplying the hourly mean wage by a “year-round, full-time” hours figure of 2,080 hours)
2011 Median Wage in United States..
According to US Social Security tax records for 2011:
There were 151,380,749 wage earners in 2011
The 2011 Median Wage was estimated to be $26,965 (This includes Full Time and Part Time)
The 2011 Median Household income was $50,500
50 percent of US wage earners made less than or equal to the median wage.
34 percent of US wage earners made over $41,211.36
66 percent of US wage earners made less than or equal to $41,211.36
In 2011, 158.6 million workers had earnings taxable under the Social Security program.
About 140.9 million had only wages, 10.4 million had only self-employment income, and 7.3 million had both.
Social Security taxable earnings totaled $5.487 trillion
This averages at $34,596 per person. ($5.487 trillion divided by 158.6 million worker.
Source: www.ssa.gov
63.1 - 885,160