Donald Trumps Increased Vote

Donald Trump has 10 million more Votes..

63 million people voted for Trump in 2016.

73 million, or very near, have voted for him in 2020.

An increase of around 10 million people voting for a Republican President, in spite of Donald Trump or because of Donald Trump.

I have seen people commenting that they voted for his policies, not for his attitude.

Imagine the result, if he was clearer, less temperamental, friendlier… I could go on, but most people understand what I mean.

The COVID situation and Trump.

The US is NOT the worst place in the world, even though some think it is.

Cases per Million Population.

  • Belgium has 46,167 cases per million.
  • US has 34,266.

Deaths per million population.

  • Belgium has 1,242 deaths per million.
  • Spain has 872.
  • UK has 764.
  • US has 759.

Tests per million population

The more tests you do, the more cases you will find. For example:

  • The US has done 506,903 tests per million population.
  • India with much fewer ‘reported’ cases has tested 90,751 per million population.

Things could have been done differently, in the US and some other countries, but no one knew for sure. People listen to experts with different opinions.

Many countries, like the US, got it wrong.

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