Attachment Security Warning in Outlook

Since a security patch was installed by Microsoft, some people have had problems with viewing pictures in emails.

The message they receive is:

Attachment Security Warning
The file may contain a virus that can be harmful to your computer. It is important to be very certain that this file is safe before you open it. You must save this file to disk before it can be opened.

Most people are happy to download and then view, but some people, maybe at work etc, do not wish to download it first, or even at all.

One workaround maybe to have a separate Gmail account, and forward that email to that account.
You then view the email, with the visible picture, at your webmail account at

An example of how this would appear is:

Example email with photo at Gmail
Example email with photo at Gmail

Not having this problem myself, I cannot be 100% sure of this suggestion, so I would ask anyone who finds that it works, or doesn’t work, to please let me know.

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